
Li-Nagy Family’s Efforts Towards Social Justice Awareness

Sep 28, 2021 | Uncategorized

The family of Helen Li (mom, author, educator, and media consultant), Don Nagy (dad, writer and artist), Lily Li-Nagy (big sister, poet, and social activist), and Emily Li-Nagy (little sister, active toddler) are leaders in anti-bullying and anti-racism, as well as recognition of Asian Heritage. Helen has long been involved as a curriculum researcher, editor, and translator on inclusion, anti-bullying, and anti-racism. She is also a speaker and organizer of various state education committees. She has been strongly involved in UN-related peace education, environmental protection and social justice advocacy. As can be seen in these photos, she has more recently begun to involve her family in some of these initiatives!

FACEPAINT is very happy that Helen is joining our efforts as a multilingual marketing and community outreach advisor!