Month: November 2024


By Ellen WeisbergBrief Synopsis: Gathering Roses, influenced by real life events, was written a number of years ago. Yet there still is relevance to the fast-paced, Internet-driven world of today, where communication is facilitated but intimacy diminished, and where...

Halloween in Chelmsford, MA

In this "Ghosts All Around Us" video, we show photos taken on Halloween night in 2021, 2022, and 2024, in a local cemetery and in our house (built in the 1700's). Orbs and other intriguing images suggest to us that there may have been some supernatural attempt(s) at...


GATHERING ROSES (published by Chipmunkapublishing, 2007) By Ellen Weisberg Brief Synopsis: Gathering Roses, influenced by real life events, was written a number of years ago. Yet there still is relevance to the fast-paced, Internet-driven world of today, where...